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Guess The Movies - (Round 12)

Ready... Set... GO!

Exhibit - A
"15 thousand cars."

Exhibit - B
Think... Space Turd

Exhibit - C
I refuse to give you a clue for this.

Exhibit - D
"Boys! Avenge Me!"

Exhibit - E
"Be nice."

 Exhibit - F
This scene , from a famous 80 film, always bothered me.

 Exhibit - G
"What do you want?"

 Exhibit - H
"That still only counts as one."

Let's See How You Did...

Round 12 Answers: 

A - Gung Ho

F - Superman 3

G - Scream

H - The Lord of the Rings (Return of the King)

Let me know how you did!


  1. 1.gung Ho 2 .Joe Dirt 3. Like Father , Like son 4.Red Dawn 5.Pain don't hurt..Roadhouse 6. Superman 3...this scene scared the hell outta me!

    1. Very good Cueve! You win this round. It scared the hell out of me too. The kids watched it recently and I told them about the scene and how it scared me as a kid. They weren't impressed.

    2. You have prepped them well! I wasn't prepared for that scene, I think I had nightmares for a week!

    3. It did seem more intense when I was a kid. I remembered it being scary as hell.

  2. That's nuts! I've spent my entire life thinking that Dudley Moore movie was called Vice Versa.

    1. I know. I did the same. It's because this movie and Vice-Versa (with Judge Reinhold and Fred Savage) were released around the same time.

  3. That's nuts! I've spent my entire life thinking that Dudley Moore movie was called Vice Versa.


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